So you want to help the hurting find peace and wholeness in their life. That is a most worthy goal and one God has called us all to be a part of. In Galatians 6:1 He says "IF you see a brother or sister missing he mark, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering your selves lest you also be tempted." To become a facilitator helping hurting people become restored means you have reached a point in your own spiritual life where God is considering you spiritual; a worthwhile achievement to say the least.
First you must understand what causes emotional pain. All emotional pain is the direct product of what you believe to be true about self. Lies believed to be true produce emotional pain. We acquire lies by the misinterpretation of life's daily experiences. Sometimes trauma causes its victims to believe lies. Plain life on the other hand teaches us some of the lies while others may be the direct results of people's thoughtlessness or cruelty. But all lies have one thing in common; they hurt. All internal pain promotes negative behaviors and the need to find inner peace.
If lies cause us pain and misery then it stands to reason that TRUTH makes us free. Jesus came on the scene 2000 years ago and said "I am the way the truth and the life . . ." Notice that Jesus called himself the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE? Without truth there is no life therefore we all need a way to the TRUTH. Jesus is that way and the Holy Spirit is the voice from Heaven bringing us truth.
Therefore, the first lesson is to let God speak for Himself. God is the Truth and only God knows exactly what the hurting need. To actually help someone you must learn how to help them communicate with God and then let Him speak for Himself. You can learn how in my book Genuine Christianity and the training material, Restoration Ministry Training, from my website
Typically, humans like to tell those hurting how to fix their pain. Many times while ministering I knew the truth about a person's inner pain but when man speaks, very little change takes place in those listening, if anyone is listening. If the pain is intense enough it is difficult to pay attention to what someone is saying; you cannot take information coming from the outside to heart where the pain is.
However, the Holy Spirit speaks from the inside where the pain resides. When a hurting person receives what God is telling them it changes them every time. God never fails to heal those who call upon Him once they learn how to work with Him. Most hurting persons need someone to facilitate a meeting between them and the Healer. As a facilitator you can learn to be very effective helping hurting people find the permanent help they need. This is the ministry of restoration taught in Galatians 6:1. This is possibly the most needed ministry in the world today because of the emotional pain all people carry.
For years I would give those hurting scripturally sound advice to offset their issues. People would go away saying they felt better; they would all thank me and tell me how wise I was and how much they appreciated me taking the time to help them. The problem with all of this was nobody changed; the problems remained and it wouldn't be long before they would be back for more personal attention. For awhile it stroked my ego by making me think these poor folks couldn't live without me. However, after awhile I got real tired of seeing the same old problems in the same people. It wasn't long before I began to see just how ineffective I was at helping hurting people.
If you are looking for return business, keep doing it the conventional way. However, if you are looking for results; people who actually change and become productive within the Body of Christ then learn how to facilitate meetings between the hurting and God and please allow God to speak for Himself.
After working fulltime for over 15 years with hundreds of hurting people, during thousands of hours of one on one ministry, I have produced a video training set of over 8 hours of line upon line precept upon precept teachings for those desiring to learn how to truly restore hurting people back to their rightful place in the Body of Christ. It is simple, effective, accurate and easy to understand. You can find the details of this training set at; click on Ministry News followed by CD's & DVD sets and then click on Restoration Ministry Training
You can also follow this blog for more video clips and articles to help encourage and inform those who truly desire to help the hurting.
You will also find more information at seekinghelpwith and
Email me and ask those questions you need to find answers for at
Allow me to help in your training and then join our team of ministers who stand ready to help the hurting.
Together we can change this world, one hurting person at a time. Remember that Psalm 34:18 shows us that God hangs out with the hurting so I believe that is a good place for me as well. Join me won't you as we help turn inner pain to inner peace.
Blessings until next time;
Pastor Larry
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