Pastor Larry

Pastor Larry
Life just seems better on two wheels.


If you or someone you know is seeking help with life issues I want to encourage you to read on. Our life issues, regardless of what they are have one main origin; what each person believes about themselves. Changing your life in most cases is as simple as changing your paradigms about life and you. For many people unable to make life work I have helped them get traction in life, while others needed help whipping depression, anxieties, fears and phoboes. My goal is to help you understand what real help is and how it is obtained. In learning how to obtain true help you will also learn how to help others find the help they deserve as well. This is not a religious blog spot but it does incorporate God in a very practical way. I hope you stick with me in order to learn how those who seek always find.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Making Sense out of Sadness

By: L. F. Low author of

Genuine Christianity (published by American Book Publishing Company)

The saddest thing I know are all those hurting in life caused by the horrors of life growing up, the horrors of life in battle or just life experiences in general. It causes me much sadness because all of these issues that cause life to be burdensome and heavy are heal-able without pills or long hours on the therapist's couch. What really makes all of this sad for me is that God has made it possible to get rid of the bad feelings created by the trials of life, in just a few seconds but the church in our culture knows little to nothing about it.

Everyday I deal with people who are trying to live with the pains of life. Some are on prescription drugs while others are coping in other ways and far too many are self medicating with alcohol, illegal drugs, gambling, eating disorders, self-mutilation, sexual perversions, etc. The problem is, many of mans coping mechanisms cause other devastation's in life; not only in yours but many times in those around you as well.

Now, here is the kicker; everyday that I am dealing with these hurting people, they are finding perfect inner peace and the end to many, if not all, of their inner pain and struggles. Is it me? Heavens no. All I do is facilitate a meeting between those hurting and God. When God speaks to the hurting, the hurting ends. I am not talking about pleading with God for a miracle and then hoping that something will take place. No, I am talking about allowing God to speak to the issues that hurt, finding INSTANT release.

This is what I do every day and I have never found a case where God failed to heal. Yesterday for instance, I had a call from a dear lady in another state who has been reading my book Genuine Christianity. In the book I invite those hurting to call me or get on my website at and seek help. The lady I talked to yesterday has been diagnosed as a Bi-Polar and has been on medication for quite some time now. We have talked a few times in the past month and yesterday she called me saying she was just down, depressed and could not seem to shake it off. As we were talking I just said "Lord would you please show this lady what is causing her depression and where it entered her life?" I then asked her to tell me what the Lord was showing her and she said she was looking at a memory from when she was in the third grade. I asked her "What does that little girl in that memory feel about herself?" She said "I'm worthless." I then asked the Lord "Jesus is that true? Would you please give this dear lady the truth?" I then asked her to tell me what the Lord was telling her. She said, among other things, "the Lord said you or no one else is worthless; I created you for a purpose." I then asked the lady how that little girl feels and she said "She is happy and confident. I see her smiling." I then asked her "How do you feel?" and she replied "I feel just fine; no heaviness at all. Thank you Pastor Low. Thank you very much."

That quick call took only two or three minutes but it ended a feeling that poor lady has been carrying around since she was nine years old. Did it end her Bi-Polar diagnosis? Not yet but it is getting her closer.

Understand this please, DRUGS DO NOT HEAL! Drugs, legal or illegal, are coping mechanisms only. My motto is "Why cope with something you can get rid of completely."

This process is called genuine CHRISTIANITY; the Real Deal. This is why Jesus came to the earth; to heal our broken hearts. Medical science has been trying to heal with drugs, shock treatments and hours of analyzing all the details of your past. They have never healed anybody. Don't believe it? Read my book Genuine Christianity and note the quotes from the American Medical Association that I included where they themselves have admitted to not being able to heal.

ONLY GOD HEALS! Man can only deal with the symptoms but God heals permanently. The reason He doesn't heal everybody that hurts is because the hurting are not asking Him to help them. Most do not know how to work with God because the churches are not teaching them. That is the main reason I wrote Genuine Christianity; to
teach the church there is so much more to our faith than religious dogma, poems and platitudes.

As I have mentioned before, when you begin to talk to someone about turning to God for help many reject it as some superstition, fable or an old wives-tale of days-gone-by. That is because the church has done a horrible job of presenting God to the general public. Christianity is not a religion; it is a relationship with a living God who cares very much for you and your life. When you hurt, He hurts with you. That is why I am doing this blog; I want the world to know this God who heals. That is why I wrote Genuine Christianity, to help those who care learn how to help those who are hurting. This is called restoration; learning how to restore a person back to God, back to health, back to confidence in themselves, back to peaceful living.

Living in perfect inner peace is absolutely possible but you will never get there on your own without God. Jesus is called the Prince of Peace. It is His peace we all seek because with His peace it doesn't matter what storm you are currently going through because the promise is the same, peace that passes all human understanding.

As soon as I can figure out how to do it, I am going to post a few video blogs here and on U-Tube that are short clips of the training material I have produced. It is working in my life and all who come to me or call. It is working in all those who have acquired a set of the material and are currently using it to help themselves and others. It works every time because God never fails and all we need to do is learn how to work with Him rather than command Him around like He is our Big-Daddy or a Genie in a bottle. He is God and He longs to help all who will take the time to learn how to work with Him. The name of my training material is Restoration Ministry Training and can be located on my website and is available to all who desire to learn how to deal with their own issues as well as how to help others; Turning inner Pain to inner Peace.

Many have asked me if I have ever seen anyone on psyche-meds able to come off those meds. My answer is "I sure have but it takes time. You never want to just quit what the Dr's have prescribed unless the Dr is working with you, bringing you off slowly."

The people I have helped get off drugs for depression, sleep deprivation, anxieties, Bi-Polar, etc all did so by working with my suggestions (Biblical teachings) learning how to work with God. As they worked with God to eliminate the lies that were causing them their pain, they began to relax more and more. Eventually they would feel physically ill, overly tired or any number of feelings that they could identify as not right. When this happened I always suggest they go to their Dr for a blood test. Most of the time the blood test would show the Dr the patient was being over medicated so they would reduce the amount of their prescription. This is the routine for safely and sensibly coming off prescription medications. DO NOT QUIT COLD TURKEY!

Genuine Christianity is published by The American Book Publishing Company and can be obtained through your local Christian Book Store,, or by going on my website at

Let's end all the sorrow and hurting in life by learning how to work with God; it is not as hard as you might think.

Blessings my friend;
Pastor Larry

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