Pastor Larry

Pastor Larry
Life just seems better on two wheels.


If you or someone you know is seeking help with life issues I want to encourage you to read on. Our life issues, regardless of what they are have one main origin; what each person believes about themselves. Changing your life in most cases is as simple as changing your paradigms about life and you. For many people unable to make life work I have helped them get traction in life, while others needed help whipping depression, anxieties, fears and phoboes. My goal is to help you understand what real help is and how it is obtained. In learning how to obtain true help you will also learn how to help others find the help they deserve as well. This is not a religious blog spot but it does incorporate God in a very practical way. I hope you stick with me in order to learn how those who seek always find.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What Drives Our Life

As I stated in my last post, mentioning that it is God that will help you find freedom from your issues causes most people to tune out. And quite frankly I don't blame them because of the way God has been presented to society. He has either been presented as a boring old judge who is ready to whack you for the things you do wrong, and we all do plenty of things wrong to be whacked for. Or he has been presented as a god who drives gun totting crazed wackos who do his dirty work on the earth. Neither is true and if you will stick with me I think, over time, I can help you see who the Living God is and how dynamic He is to know. He is the only one who can actually make this life make sense. I will be sharing with you my experiences in an attempt to help you find answers to life's issues.

Religion presents God in this negative light but you must understand that Christianity is not a religion. Regardless of what 'they' say, by definition Christianity is not a religion and if you give me the time I will do all in my power to prove that to you. Christianity is a relationship with a living God who desires to be actively involved in your life in a very positive, dynamic way. I found that to be true quite by accident over thirty years ago when I was desperately seeking help and I have never been the same since. (You can read the details of my testimony in my book 'Genuine Christianity' published by The American Book Publishing Company)

How does God help us deal with our very personal issues, inner pains, addictions, weaknesses, etc.? To even begin answering that question, which must be answered before we can go any further, we need to talk about what drives our life.

Every life is driven by what that life believes about self. The Bible says "As a man believes in his heart, so is he." In other words what you believe about yourself is what you become. If you believe you are stupid and worthless because somehow, life told you that, you will act like you are stupid and worthless. Notice I said you will 'act' like it. No life on earth is actually stupid and worthless but sometimes we sure act that way.

Science is catching up with those of us who believe what Scripture teaches about life. A renowned cell biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton, has been studying how the cells of our body respond to the central voice called the mind and spirit; this is the path he chose in order to understand the origin of life and how life works. He teaches in his book, "The Biology of Belief" that what we believe in our subconscious mind has more to do with our future than the biological genes we inherited from our forefathers. In fact he teaches "genes are not our destiny!" (Page 67 of The Biology of Belief, by Bruce Lipton PhD, Élite Books, Santa Rosa California)

We are not victims of our genes or what mom and dad gave us. We are only victimized by our own mind; what we believe. "As a man believes, so is he." Scripture also teaches us that "You are not held back by anything other than your feelings." (2 Corinthians 6:12)

What we believe about self determines what we feel at the moment. Lies believed about self produce emotional pain. In fact, that is the only source of emotional pain. When we blame others for 'making us feel bad' we are missing it big time and giving others total control over our lives. That's dangerous, giving others total control over your happiness and future. However, the majority of the world does just that every day when they exclaim "He made me feel this way. or You made me do it., etc." People and circumstances can only trigger what we believe about self and our belief causes our emotional pain and our emotional pain causes our words and actions.

Psychology has known this for over two hundred years but those practicing this trade are taught that as they analyze your life while you verbally spill your guts to them (therapy) they can then give you a form of truth that should make you feel better; after all, if it is grandpa's fault why should it be messing you up? Well, the idea is good but it does not work. (That is why over the past ten years I have helped several clinical psychologists find healing for their inner issues.) It may very well have been grandpa's words or actions that put you in a bad situation however; it is what you believed about self that actually produced the pain.

Psychology can in fact analyze you and they do a very good job understanding behavior patterns and their causes but they have never healed anyone with their analysis. They teach you how to cope or live with your pain. Why cope with something that you can get rid of totally?

"In 1955 the American Psychiatric Association held a symposium on "Progress in Psychiatry." Here is the sort of statement which appeared in the published accounts: "Psychotherapy is today in a state of disarray almost exactly as it was 200 years ago." (Zilboorg, G., in Mowrer, The Crisis in Psychology, Princeton: Van Nostrand, 1961, p 3)
"H. J. Eysenck, Director of the University of London's Department of Psychology, recently wrote: 'The success of the Freudian revolution seemed complete. Only one thing went wrong. The patients did not get any better." (Dr. Jay E. Adams, Competent to Counsel, P&R Publishing Company, 1970)

We have over 200 years of history that proves that psychology has never healed anyone. Because of this, I strongly believe that is why they are resorting to dealing drugs through prescriptions. Psychology is a religion of the mind originally intended to replace Christianity by a young Sigmund Freud who was hurt by his father, an angry preacher using religion as his whip. However, according to their own reports they have healed no one yet. None the less, I personally have seen hundreds healed consistently over the past 10 years by helping people connect to the living God, the author of Christianity. I know of many ministries that have also had the same experience as I have. In fact, this is not a rare occurrence but a daily one. Check out my website for teachings, seminar titles, testimonies, etc at

Truth is, if you want something you have never had before you must do something you have never done before. Therefore, it is my aim to help you do something you probably have never done before. I want to help you connect to God for the purpose of helping you find perfect inner peace; wouldn't it be nice to like yourself and to be comfortable in the skin you are in? Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could get control of that anger; or how about getting rid of the constant nightmares and/or daily flash backs.

It kills me every time I hear a report of our nation's finest, the military men and women, returning from a war zone and the news reporter telling us that these poor souls will be living on drugs and therapy sessions the rest of their life trying to cope with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) when that just does not need to be. I have personally helped many who were suffering from PTSD because PTSD is caused by the same thing; a series of lies believed about self caused by a traumatic event or a series of traumatic events.

Feelings drive our life! Everything you say and do is driven by a feeling, usually from the subconscious mind, which is why we blame the current situation as the cause for our harsh words and/or actions. Many times that is why, after a negative event, we say "I didn't mean it." After we react and see the effects of our negative behavior we cognitively think about what we just did and most of the time we cannot believe we just said or did what was said or done. The power that drives our actions (all of them) come from our subconscious mind; our super computer. Proof of it is, you cannot say something kind if you are angry and upset neither can you be angry if you feel lovey-dovey.

The key to changing your current behavior lies in what you currently feel. What you currently feel is directly connected to what you subconsciously believe about self. Therefore, to change what you are currently doing you must change what you believe and the thing you believe is stored in your supercomputer--your subconscious or your memory. How in the world do you change the memory of your past? That is where we are going.

Modern science is saying "if we could only reprogram our supercomputer". Well, we can and I have been involved in that for many years now so stick with me and I will help you learn how. (Not using hypnosis or drugs) You can also find out how by reading my new book Genuine Christianity, published by The American Book Publishing Company.

Now just a few words in closing about how this affects our addictions; man's addictions are caused by attempting to rid self of bad feelings (inner pain). In other words, what we get addicted too starts out as our medication of choice. The problem is painfully obvious, the medication we chose eventually takes control of our bodies and we call that control an addiction. That is why addictions are not a disease of the body but afflictions of the soul. (Note my Blog entitled Addictions Not a Disease)

Emotional pain was created by God to inform you of when you believe something about self that is not true. Why would God be so interested in what we believe? Because there is only one thing that can stand between God and His created beings and that one thing is a LIE. Lies keep us in bondage and God's entire plan is to build a relationship with us so He can heal our emotional pain or broken hearts. That is why Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life." Without truth you have no way to life. Truth brings peace and rest while lies produce pain and turmoil.

I don't know about you but I do know about me and the many I have ministered to over the years; when we were in total control of our life it worked pretty well for quite awhile. However, there always comes a time when we begin to have difficulties we cannot fix. Those difficulties always compound into greater difficulties until one day we experience despair and a great sense of hopelessness. That is not a good place to be and the good news is WE DON'T HAVE TO STAY THERE. THERE IS HOPE FOR THE HOPELESS, HELP FOR THE HELPLESS and it is my plan that in time I can help you physically, emotionally and spiritually get there.

If you would like to get there ahead of this blog you can probably do just that by obtaining my book Genuine Christianity from your neighborhood book store, online through or from my website

Until next time all I ask you to do is to think about it, check it out and see if what I am saying is not true in your life.
Pastor Larry

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